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New Beginnings…

Today marks a new beginning for On2ndThought.net! Back in May of 2020 a group of hackers erased all of my blog writings dating back to 2009. Interestingly, one week prior to the ransomware attack, I heard the Lord whisper a word to my heart…redefinition.

What better way to begin the redefinition of something than to erase the current definition!

I’ve designed a new logo for the site, rebuilt the site from scratch and will start again with the explorations that stir when I sit down to write.

“I write to explore what’s inside of me…”

Writers have diverse motivations for the words they craft. The background I have in music often influences my writing. Writing, like music, leverages tension and resolution, building crescendos and diminuendo’s, and other tools to lead a reader powerfully to the statement/thought a writer agonizes to express.

Join me as I embark, once again, on an exploration of thought and questions just to see what we might find. Perhaps some thoughts are worth a second look? No? I think so…

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