As time passes, we gain not just years but also wisdom and perspective. This is a subtle transformation, a slow process of awakening to the complexities of life around us. Yet, the breadth of our understanding can sometimes lead us to become jaded, even cynical, about the things that most warrant our critique.
Saying there are issue with the modern church would be an understatement…in my humble opinion.
Truth be told, these issues were present when the church first emerged. Paul addressed some of these concerns in 2 Timothy, and I could supplement his list with examples from my own experiences.
Instead of pointing out the plethora of things wrong with the church from our own experiences, the point of this writing is to shift the focus back to what truly matters.
Paul had a simple, yet poignant, response to such distractions when he said, “don’t let it faze you.”
Distraction is the easiest, and I imagine, most effective tactic of the enemy. He wants us focused on anything but the Father. He wants us cynical, confused and frustrated.
No one is questioning the legitimacy of our cynicism. People have been hurt, wounded, controlled and abused by churches. Yet, the cost of succumbing to these legitimate distractions is to miss an opportunity for your own journey with the Father that is true and authentic. A Father intent on restoring peace to your heart.
The message to my own heart, and the heart of other burgeoning cynics, is the message of sticking with the things you learned and believed that are true and solid.
Even if you’re in a season of recovery and find yourself without a trusted teacher, learn, instead, to journey with God to sit with Him each day to see what He unfolds for you that no man could ever unfold. In fact, you don’t need any other teachers. Don’t believe me? Believe this,
God ordains and brings good teachers into our lives, but our first stop for the truth comes from God’s spirit inside us.
Keep your eyes focused only on what you are doing and live out those truths you know. During the times that are tough, don’t quit! Let those season strengthen your intention and resolve.
Echoing Paul advice, “Keep it simple“. Embrace the simplicity found in Romans 8, cooperate with God when you perceive His active presence around you, and learn to find rest at His feet during seasons of apparent stillness.
What we’re learning is this: it is far better to stand firm in our simple faith than to let the distractions of life to render us paralyzed. Refocus on the task at hand, and if you need new marching orders, wait at His feet eagerly until they are provided.