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Author: martinro73

Don’t Let it Faze You

As time passes, we gain not just years but also wisdom and perspective. This is a subtle transformation, a slow process of awakening to the complexities of life around us. Yet, the breadth of our understanding can sometimes lead us to become jaded, even cynical, about the things that most warrant our critique. Saying there are issue with the modern church would be an understatement...in my hum...
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Mr. Play-It-Safe

The bible tells tale of the familiar parable of the Talents. Three men are given a gift of money by their master. The master leaves on a long journey and what unfolds is a story of how two of the men doubled their money and one decides to play it safe. Personally, this parable is more than just a story on personal stewardship. Rather, deep within the words of this parable I feel the cry of G...
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A Meditation on God’s Goodness

What if the goodness of God is so real that you're actually being hunted by it this very minute? What if there is no way you can escape His goodness? What if every intention of His heart toward you is good? What if He has the power to transform every negative in your life into something good? What if there isn't one bad thought in God's heart about you? What if in your darkest moments of life His...
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A Musing on Peace Over Obedience

Following Jesus isn't a formula, rather, its an organic expression of our daily pursuit to learn what it means to relate with Him on a one-on-one basis. We are becoming a people able to discern His voice and his heart above the chaos surrounding us.  In our humanity, there are times being obedient just isn't enough to overcome our disobedience. Especially when disobedience turns int...
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The Runner

Imagine a runner who comes to the track on race day wearing a backpack full of stones. He's not training, this is race day. Each stone is a need in this runner's life. Needs for money, food, shelter, and clothing. Real needs. Practical needs. He's here to run the race but wonders how he will actually do it with so much weight on his shoulders. A coach stands on the sidelines and knows there is...
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Under the Shadow, A Place of Wonder

All my life I've felt a hunger for that which is authentic and/or real. The hunger began after graduating college in 1996 and once again surfaced after a negative church experience ending in 2007 or thereabouts. A church I attended up to 2007 fell prey to a deceiving lead pastor and what, by all legal definition, could be called spiritual abuse. Raw and shaken by this abuse I stepped away from...
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Something Worth Seeking…

Matthew 6. A chapter that starts with instructions on being quiet, unseen and unobtrusive in your acts of good and ends with a simple and powerful verse that opened up an entire new reality of what it means to be in a very real and tangible relationship with God. The verse is well known. Popular even. Scripture, to me, is like a toolbox full of tools we use to creatively shape our lives in...
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Years ago, when I was cutting my teeth on the spiritual gift of the prophetic, I noticed a phenomenon I will call hyper-prophecy. Hyper-prophecy is when your need for prophecy is greater than your need for time in the Lord's presence hearing His voice for yourself. What I witnessed was an insatiable need for some to hear a new prophetic word every 5 minutes. I saw individuals treating the ...
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A Covenant Covers You…

Covenant 2
“Even if the mountains were to crumbleand the hills disappear,my heart of steadfast, faithful lovewill never leave you,and my covenant of peace with you will never be shaken,”says Yahweh,whose love and compassion will never give up on you.Isaiah 54:8-10 Four words/phrases from verse 10 stood out to me today…mountains, hills, covenant of peace and compassion.  A Mother's Heart The he...
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A Meditation of the Heart

A few of Jesus words that really resonated in my heart this morning from John 12:27. I offer this as an exhortation and encouragement for those in need. Jesus said, "Right now I am storm-tossed. And what am I going to say? 'Father, get me out of this'? No, this is why I came in the first place. I'll say, 'Father, put your glory on display.'" John 12:27 Pray for our country, pray for our lea...
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